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Business Happenings in Downtown Mooresville

Good Afternoon to Everyone!

The Mooresville Downtown Commission (MDC) is proud to be an active member of the NC Main Street Program*. Each year, as part of the NC program, the MDC has a chance to nominate a "Main Street Champion".

Main Street Champions are dedicated individuals who have an ongoing commitment to downtown improvements and strong communities. Someone that consistently steps up to invest time, energy and money in the community and work to improve the quality of life. Downtown Mooresville is excited to announce that Kim Saragoni has been recognized as the 2020 Downtown Mooresville Main Street Champion!

Kim Saragoni is the owner of Four Corners Framing and Gallery; located in Downtown Mooresville for over a decade. Kim originally began in a smaller storefront, yet her intuitive knack for business and building relationships enabled her to expand into a larger location and add an art gallery which doubles as event space. Now located at 148 N. Main Street, Four Corners is a successful, multi-functional business offering custom framing, retail, lively events, learning workshops, and local artist exhibits.

Kim’s warm, enthusiastic personality is contagious. Her positive attitude and unwavering willingness to help makes her a tremendous asset to the MDC. She has a servant’s heart and has brought her endless energy to multiple committees, volunteered countless hours during events, and served as MDC Secretary for 10 years since joining the Board in 2007.

Now serving as MDC Board Chair, Kim’s creative problem solving and leadership are evident as she leads by example to increase the effectiveness of our working Board. Kim wholeheartedly supports her fellow Downtown businesses, and is as passionate about Downtown Mooresville’s success as she is about her own.

Head over to see Kim at Four Corners to tell her congrats, check out the current art displays and take advantage of her “Diploma & Sports Memorabilia” 25% off sale going on through Aug. 31st.

Downtown Mooresville, Happening Since 1873!

Kim Atkins Executive Director - Mooresville Downtown Commission

Photo of Kim courtesy of Kathleen Martin of LKN Images.

*The NC Main St. Program is a part of the NC Dept. of Commerce that helps give guidance on preservation based downtown revitalization and economic development across the state. The MDC has been a member since 2009.


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